Online eye tracking system for diagnosing visual problems.
Enable the early diagnosis of visual issues that impede children’s learning, facilitating prompt treatment, and minimising the potential consequences of these problems. Enable the student to return to a normal learning rhythm in the shortest possible time.
Create a user-friendly cloud solution for educational centres that doesn’t necessitate specific hardware. This solution should have the capability to identify learning issues linked to visual problems that are challenging to detect through other diagnostic methods.
Computer vision Machine learning and deep learning NLP
Public datasets
Deusto SEIDOR research staff for the definition of the solution in collaboration with VICOMTECH staff. Web infrastructure for the development and deployment of the model management and training application in SEIDOR’s high performance DPC.
The main challenge was reducing the calibration points of the eye tracking system, since the tool is oriented to children, who generally have difficulty maintaining the concentration required for this phase, looking at different points of the screen.
Visual acuity Oculomotricity Visual perception
Co-financed by SPRI (HAZITEK)
Visuality advanced optometry centre VICOMTECH