
HUPI – INGURU PREDICT Evaluation and prediction of the impact of port activities on environmental indicators (turbidity, chlorophyll, hydrocarbons) based on satellite images.


Sector: Mobility

Business Case

How can we assess the impact of port activities on the marine ecosystem dynamically and in real time, in order to reduce marine pollution, taking into account “uncontrolled” parameters (external events)?


Dynamic measurement of environmental indicators (turbidity, chlorophyll, hydrocarbons) by means of satellite images Impact assessment of port activities on the environmental ecosystem Prediction of the levels of these indicators, considering uncontrolled environmental factors Optimisation of port activities to minimise environmental impact

Use case

Inguru-PREDICT offers a comprehensive solution for biodiversity management in ports, enabling informed and proactive decision-making to minimise the environmental impact of port operations, by assessing and predicting in real time the impact of port activity (“controlled” parameters) AND external events, such as weather (“uncontrolled” parameters), on specific environmental indicators (turbidity, chlorophyll and hydrocarbons) by leveraging satellite imagery and Artificial Intelligence engines.




Automatic or Deep Learning Image recognition/processing


Satellite images History of port activities Open data: climate, uncontrolled parameters


Hupi: Human resources: 1 technical director, 2 Mathematicians & Data Scientists, 1 Full Stack developer Technological resources: Access to satellite imagery + Hupi Elastic Cloud Platform Port team (port activities expert) + environmental team

Difficulties and learning

Access to satellite imagery history and processing Impact assessment of port activities with environmental indicators

KPIs (business impact and metrics of the model)

Improved operational efficiency: more accurate planning of port operations Reduced costs in measuring the level of environmental indicators Restoration and rehabilitation of marine ecosystems = reduction of marine pollution


ESA – European Space Agency Ports 4.0 – Ports of the State

Collaborators, Partners

Bilbo PortLab

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