Grupo Lanit – Real-time monitoring of systems and services
Grupo Lanit
Sector: Energy
Business Case
Energy company identifies the need for a real-time monitoring system for its commercial system and the services offered to customers, both internal and external (supply), in order to have total control and be able to react immediately in the event of an emergency. possible lack of service or degradation of service
Implementation of a reference platform for managing large volumes of information in real time. Implementation of an Anomaly Detection System based on Machine Learning processes. Global visibility of the infrastructures that support the Services.
Use case
1,000+ different data sources. 20+ TB of data 20 billion+ documents. 300+ dashboards with real-time information. 1000+ visualisations displayed at different departmental scales.
On Premise
Machine Learning
Private datasets consisting of millions of records from multiple internal sources to be monitored.
Multidisciplinary team with experts in architectures, machine learning, data analysts and data scientists.
Difficulties and learning
Need to census and catalogue data sources, behaviours of each variable, acceptable ranges and build patterns to respond to anomalies.
KPIs (business impact and metrics of the model)
% fault detection accuracy
Collaborators, Partners
Own resources