
Ceit – Assistance to workers in the assembly process in the aeronautics industry


Sector: Industry

Business Case

Due to societal (e.g., ageing) and technological changes, many industrial workers need or can benefit from assisted automation technologies such as AI, collaborative robotics, and XR. However, the transformation of exclusively manual activities into assisted ones is complex, costly and error-prone. How can we make use of XR to enrich the automated task with the collaboration of a human, knowing the limitations of each (AI and human)?


The goal is to perform assembly processes with zero errors. These tasks can be very complex, as in the case of aeronautics, where there can be many loose components and tools in the work area. By identifying each part and tool, monitoring the assembly process and assisting the operator, this goal can be achieved.

Use case

For this use case, the integration of two assistance systems is proposed: – A system that identifies the tools and parts required for the assembly task from images. – A tool that assists the operator in complex processes (e.g. cable identification and assembly) using augmented reality technology.




Automatic or Deep Learning Image recognition/processing


Step-by-step dataset of assembly processes Dataset of cable connector status images (different perspectives) Videos of the work environment


Difficulties and learning

KPIs (business impact and metrics of the model)


Collaborators, Partners

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