Knowledge Centre

Keeping up to date with a world as dynamic as AI is not easy. That’s why at BAIC we provide you with guides and resources so you can ensure you are well informed from reliable and accessible sources.

Knowledge Centre

Keeping up to date with a world as dynamic as AI is not easy. That’s why at BAIC we provide you with guides and resources so you can ensure you are well informed from reliable and accessible sources.


Los 7 roles creados entorno a la IA

The 7 roles created around AI


Guide to responsible AI


Guía para aplicar Inteligencia Artificial en la industria

Guide to applying Artificial Intelligence in the industry


A guide to data strategy, governance, and management

Training and education

Informe de la oferta formativa de Euskadi 2023

Report on the training offer in the Basque Country 2023

Training and education

Los 7 roles creados entorno a la IA

Report on the training offer in the Basque Country 2023

Training and education

Informe de la oferta formativa de Euskadi 2023

Report on the training offer in the Basque Country 2023

Training and education

Los 7 roles creados entorno a la IA

The 7 roles created around AI


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