LKS Next – Heroes
LKS Next
Sector: Services
Business Case
In work environments larger than a certain size, a lack of knowledge of the distribution of internal know-how is identified. During onboarding of new employees, tools and procedures are needed to assist in the process.
To develop a platform that automates the consolidation of the organisation’s internal knowledge in order to help identify where the necessary knowledge is located when faced with a specific problem. This is particularly useful for assisting new hires in the onboarding process.
Use case
The main use case is information ingestion and consolidation. In any organisation, know-how is an important asset but it is often scattered information and difficult to find when needed. Therefore, mechanisms are developed to identify, trace and centralise it. On the other hand, through Generative AI and semantic processing, it is possible to relate a problem that arises at a given moment with the source of information that can be helpful to solve the problem.
AI technologies that generate written or spoken language, images or videos Text mining Voice recognition
CVs of the company’s own employees.
Equipment with access to different language models capable of analysing texts, performing speech recognition and generating written or spoken language, images and videos.
Difficulties and learning
One of the main lessons learned is that organisations have much more know-how than it may seem but that it is scattered and inaccessible.
KPIs (business impact and metrics of the model)
Speed in accessing information and knowledge within the organisation.
Collaborators, Partners