The 7 roles created around AI
The development of AI systems requires new professional profiles with very specific skills. At BAIC, we have identified these roles
Guide to responsible AI
This guide sets out the fundamental ethical principles and regulations applicable to the development, use and implementation of artificial intelligence
Guide to applying Artificial Intelligence in the industry
A guide that provides a clear vision of what AI is and the opportunities it offers, as well as the
Report on the training offer in the Basque Country 2023
This report analyses the opportunities for regulated and non-regulated training in AI in the Basque Country, assessing the current and
Vicomtech – Electric Vehicle Autonomy Prediction and Optimisation for Dynamic Planning and Real-Time Driver Recommendations
Vicomtech – Electric Vehicle Autonomy Prediction and Optimisation for Dynamic Planning and Real-Time Driver Recommendations Vicomtech Sector: Mobility Business Case
Sener – SHM, Structural Behaviour Analysis and Forecasting for Bridges and Viaducts
Sener – SHM, Structural Behaviour Analysis and Forecasting for Bridges and Viaducts Sener Sector: Mobility Business Case SHM is a